About Harrigan Solutions
We are: The leader in Trustworthy Contract Sanitation Teams that drives financial outcomes through continuous improvement.
We serve: Senior Operations Leaders in food plants who need to produce more product & generate more profit.
How: Our Crew Chiefs engage our "Pit Crews" in continuously improving safety, speed & reliability of sanitation, resulting in more production time & lower sanitation cost.
Our impact: In the words of one of our customers, "We hadn't hit our production numbers since June 5th, since you've been here we've hit them every day...I told our sales team they can sell more now...& our teams are happy because they are less worn out... our supervisors wish your people were our people".
Our Purpose: We build individuals into Trustworthy Teams by helping them grow their strengths and inspiring extraordinary results.
Our Management Team:
- Harrigan Solutions was founded by Bill Harrigan, the architect of a system of employee engagement that enables Harrigan to hire ordinary people and transform them into Trustworthy Teams.
- Managing partner Dave Stern uses his financial & operations experience to work closely with your senior operations professionals to achieve financial outcomes by freeing up production time & lowering operational costs.
Working Together to Build Stronger Neighborhoods
We believe a key element in building stronger neighborhoods is a Trauma-Informed approach to developing people in a work environment. At Harrigan Solutions, the work is the people, and we eagerly collaborate with others in the pursuit of building people, families and the neighborhoods they live in.
Harrigan Solutions is in the business of building people and the communities they live in. As a for-profit company, we ask our crew members to continuously improve our profitability which allows us to provide family supporting wages, full benefits, and a pathway for them to achieve their personal vision of success. A crew member’s gateway experience centers on their personal vision of success, the strengths that God endowed them with, and a Roadmap that takes them directly to and through the obstacles to their success; trauma generated mental models, understanding workplace culture, and an education. Our goal is to raise individuals that struggle up and the communities the reside in by helping them into meaningful work.
250-plus studies clearly conclude that 85% of why individuals don’t succeed in life and work is social emotional intelligence and trauma. Harrigan Solutions has developed a Deliberately Developmental PROCESS that is essentially an incubator, or, an accelerator of personal growth that helps individuals transcend limiting behaviors & defensive routines. This incubator creates a culture of “it’s okay to be wrong, but not to overlook.” It creates conditions that uncover the mental models that are caused by trauma. We create a structured work experience designed to put growth of social emotional skills front and center, and probe deeper than behaviors to the underlying beliefs that cause them. Individuals become part of a Trustworthy Team in which they become the heroes in the pursuit of improving their own work environment, using a self-sustaining continuous improvement process that encourages them to do their work easier, safer and faster. The crew’s structured experience is facilitated by a “Crew Chief” who builds habits around core behaviors and is a human delivery system for feedback that activates pleasure centers in the brain. To put a more technical explanation to it, we seek to help individuals rewire their thinking processes by effectuating neuroplasticity. And more simply put, at Harrigan Solutions, we believe that the work is people, and the rest takes care of itself.
Solving the Workforce Gap
Interested in learning more about the Harrigan System of Engagement For Your Workforce?
The Challenge: For Sr. Operations Leaders, the success or failure to understand and engage their workforce will ultimately lead to the success or failure of the businesses they lead.
The Solution: Harrigan Solutions has developed a system that transforms ordinary workers (and those that struggle too) into Trustworthy Teams that continuously improve our business & their own lives as well.
The Opportunity: For like-minded business leaders interested in learning the research and the deliberate practices around how to create a “thank God it’s Monday” culture, we’d consider sharing what we’ve developed that has ignited our workers & wowed our customers.
Revealed in the explanation will be real life examples of crew members who’ve moved from troubled to trustworthy as they continuously improve the safety, speed, & reliability of the sanitation work they perform.
Next Steps: Contact Bill Harrigan if interested in hearing more.